I write songs and poems and books and stuff
I'm just a 31 year old guy who likes words. I was the kid who geeked out over studying poetic meter and alliteration in high school. My favorite parts of my 10 years of undergrad and graduate studies were writing long papers. I've been playing music for nearly two decades. In the last few years, I've released a few EPs as a singer-songwriter and am currently developing my portfolio and skills as a cinematic/orchestral composer. You can find my music at the links below and check out my orchestral projects on Soundcloud or YouTube.
I've got two and a half degrees in theology and Biblical studies. I live and work in the Middle East with orphans and Syrian refugees. I'm learning Arabic and working on yet another degree in Middle Eastern studies.
Yearning for knowledge and embracing the unknowable is wholeness. The wise man practices both knowing and unknowing.
Tao te Ching