I scribbled down these microscopic verses as part of my commitment to writing daily during times I felt I had nothing to say. I like to think of them as little "icons" - thoughts drawn from daily life that deserve meditation more than a passing glance.
Breathe in
Breathe out
But I didn't need to tell you that
Did I?
I looked in the mirror and wondered:
am I the Observer
or the Observed?
I knew a man
with a nice new house
and a shiny car.
Or did I?
I bought some new shoes yesterday,
but they won't fit until next week,
when I've walked and worn them in.
I'm a bonfire.
Well, I'm a pile of kindling and logs,
but it's raining pretty hard.
Which is better:
rain or fire?
Why is waking up
so damn hard?
And why is pushing that button
for a seven-minute delay
so damn easy?